2014 Reading Stats
Number of Books Read:
Number of Rereads:
I honestly didn't really count. But maybe around 10 books were re-read this year. On top of all the new reads.
Most Read Genre:
YA or NA, pretty even between the two.
Best in Books
1. Best Book You Read In 2014?
- Fantasy - Toss up between Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas and Gathering Darkness by Morgan Rhodes
- Science Fiction - I don't read much Sci-fi, no reason, just don't. So the only one I can think of that is only Sci-fi is The Girls From Alcyone by Cary Caffrey
- Dystopia - So many to choose from, But the one that was the most interesting that I've read this yea is Elei's Chronicles by Chrystalla Thoma (Review: 1, 2, 3, 4)
- Horror - Horror is another one of those genres that is easy to mess up. So, I don't read a lot of it. But I read one book this year that is classified as Horror, Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake
2. Book You Were Excited About/ Thought You Were Going To Love More But Didn't?
I really wanted to love Black Ice by Becca Fitzpatrick. It just fell short from what I knew it could be. I loved her Hush, Hush saga. This one, not so much.
3. Most Surprising (Good or Bad Way) Book You Read In 2014?
- Good - Vain by Fisher Amelie; Thought it was going to be a quick easy read... oh boy was I wrong. This book did things to my heart.
- Bad - Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers; I was just disappointed.
4. Book You 'Pushed' The Most People To Read (And They Did) In 2014?
Hopefully all the books I've recommended this year to people found their way into their hands. But the book I always tell people to read is Pretty in Black by Rae Hachton. It's not a extremely well known book and I think it should be.
5. Best Series You Started in 2014? Best Sequel of 2014? Best Series Ender of 2014?
- Best Series Started - The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon
- Best Sequel - Gathering Darkness by Morgan Rhodes (its the third book but whatever)
- Best Series Ender - Dreams of Gods and Monsters by Laini Taylor
(this one was tough)
6. Favourite New Author You Discovered in 2014?
Hmm... I discovered a lot of authors and books this year. It's been busy year for me on that. But I'll choose my top 3.
- Cheryl McIntyre
- Penelope Douglas
- Stacey Jay
7. Best Book From A Genre You Don't Typically Read/Was Out Of Your Comfort Zone?
I read a lot more Adult/ New Adult contemporary this year. I tend to not read Contemporary very much, but I was really into it this year.
8. Most Action-Packed/Thrilling/Unputdownable Book of the Year?
I have three options:
- Ruin & Rising by Leigh Bardugo
- Dreams of Gods and Monsters by Laini Taylor
- Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas
9. Book You Read in 2014 That You Are Most Likely To Re-Read Next Year?
I really have no idea. I'll probably re-read the Lunar Chronicles before Winter comes out, or re-read the three Falling Kingdoms books that are already out before the next book comes out. (Which currently has neither a cover or a title.)
10. Favourite Cover of a Book You Read in 2014?
11. Most Memorable Character of 2014?
Daemon Black is always memorable. But my new favorite male character is Prince Magnus from Falling Kingdoms (I read it the most recent, it's the freshest in my mind)
12. Most Beautifully Written Book Read in 2014?
Dreams of Gods and Monsters by Laini Taylor. I swear, that woman is a wizard when it comes to writing.
13. Most Thought-Provoking/Life-Changing Book of 2014?
The Resurrectionist: The Lost Work of Dr. Spencer Black by E.B. Hudspethr
This book inspired me to start writing again. I was lost in the sea of writers block and this book jump started my brain again.
14. Book You Can't Believe You Waited Until 2014 to Finally Read?
I put it off because it was of all the hype. I was being stubborn and I don't know why I waited this long. I are ashamed.
15. Favourite Passage/Quote From A Book You Read in 2014?
“Wasn't that what religions did? Squint at one another and declare, 'My unprovable belief is better than your unprovable belief. Suck it.”
-- Dreams of Gods & Monsters
(I don't remember who said it)
16. Shortest and Longest Book You Read in 2014?
Shortest Book - (I read a number of Novella series this year, I have no idea which was the stortest.)
Longest Book - TMI: City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare
17. Book That Shocked You The Most?
Not sure what this means....
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18. OTP of the Year?
It's a potential spoiler though! I can't tell you. But it rhymes with Rinse Agnus and Census Freo. I don't know if that's where things are going to end up at the end of the series, but I can hope and wish.
19. Favourite Non-Romantic Relationship of the Year?
I kind of really love the bond that Jace and Simon had formed by the end of The Mortal Instruments. Especially if you think about where they started at.
20. Favourite Book You Read in 2014 From an Author You've Read Previously?
White Hot Kiss by Jennifer L. Armentrout
21. Best Book You Read in 2014 That You Read Based SOLELY On A Recommendation From Somebody Else/Peer Pressure?
I tend to be the one recommending. Unless you count me giving into reading The Lunar Chronicles.
22. Newest Fictional Crush From A Book You Read in 2014?
Roth from White Hot Kiss
23. Best 2014 Debut You Read?
Cipher by Aileen Erin
This book was a wonderful new sci-fi dystopian. I can't wait to read more. It was new and different and so very cool.
This book was a wonderful new sci-fi dystopian. I can't wait to read more. It was new and different and so very cool.
24. Best World-building/Most Vivid Setting You Read This Year?
Well... crap. There are so many books with such vivid and wonderful world-building. I don't know which one is the most vivid.
25. Book That Put A Smile On Your Face/Was The Most Fun To Read?
Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise & The Search
by Gene Luen Yang & Gurihiru
26. Book That Made You Cry Or Nearly Cry in 2014?
A lot of books made me cry, more than I care to admit. But, Losing Hope by Colleen Hoover was the one that got to me the most.
27. Hidden Gem of the Year?
The Griever's Mark by Katherine Hurley
Most of the books I read this year I got from NetGalley. And this was probably the best one in the bunch. I'm slowly getting more picky when it comes to fantasy, and this book had everything I want in a new fantasy story.
28. Book That Crushed Your Soul?
Hmm... I'm not really sure. For the first half of Ruin & Rising, I thought that it would crush my soul, but things turned out good as far as I'm concerned. But in the end, it has to be The Young Elites by Marie Lu. True to her style, she ripped out my heart and feasted on it. I'm convinced she uses the souls of her readers to make new characters for her books.
29. Most Unique Book You Read In 2014?
God's Play by H.D. Lynn
I wasn't expecting this book to go the places it did.
30. Book That Made You The Most Mad (doesn't necessarily mean you didn't like it)?
The Fly House by Misty Provencher.
I didn't get very far, like maybe 1-1.5 chapters. But I only needed that much to know how crap and poorly thought out everything about the book was. From the characters to the world building itself. I won the book in a blog giveaway and now I kind of wish I didn't, because I didn't like the book and I wanted to, and maybe someone else would have liked it.
Your Blogging/Bookish Life
1. New Favourite Book Blog You Discovered in 2014?
I'm sorry to say that I don't lurk on other blogs that often. But every new person I started following has inspired me to work harder on my blog, so thats why I don't go to many other blogs.
2. Favourite Review That You Wrote in 2014?
I have no idea. I try and write spoil free reviews as much as possible.
3. Best Discussion/Non-Review Post You Had On Your Blog?
I loved doing all the bookish tags I borrowed from Booktubers, and I made a post topic of my own where I pretty much just blabbed about my favoite genres and why I like them and why I don't like other book genes as much. (Find it HERE)
4. Best Event That You Participated in?
I took part in a number of blog tours this year, my first time doing that. They were all really great and I plan on doing more in the coming year.
5. Best Moment of Bookish/Blogging Life in 2014?
When the author of one of the books I reviewed for NetGalley commented on my post and thanked me for reading her book. I almost passed out.
6. Most Popular Post This Year On Your Blog?
The Halloween tag has the most views. (almost 300)
7. Post You Wished Got A Little More Love?
Would it be wrong of me to just say all of them? I'd like more people who follow or visit my blog to leave a comment, at least to say Hi. :)
9. Did You Complete Any Reading Challenges or Goals That You Had Set For Yourself At The Beginning of This Year?
I had a goal to not buy any books I didn't actually want to read, and since joining NetGalley I saved a lot of money on taking chances when it comes to books.
Looking Ahead
1. One Book You Didn't Get To in 2014 But Will Be Your Number 1 Priority in 2015?
The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken
2. Book You Are Most-Anticipating For 2015 (Non-Debut)?
Winter by Marissa Meyer
The Mime Order by Samantha Shannon
There are more, just a few of them don't have a title yet. So, Falling Kingdoms #4 and Throne of Glass #4.
3. 2015 Debut You Are Most Anticipating?
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy by Cassandra Clare
Winter by Marissa Meyer
I'm going to be sad when this series is over.
5. One Thing You Hope To Accomplish Or Do In Your Reading / Blogging Life in 2015?
I think I can improve my blog as a whole. Maybe read more different genres of books as well.
6. A 2015 Release You've Read and Recommend To Anyone?
Once Loved by Cecy Robson
I got it as an eARC from NetGalley, and I wrote a review.
I look forward to a new year in books and blogging. Even though I don't get a lot of traction, I really love being part of something as huge and diverse as book blogging. Happy Reading and Happy New Year.
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