
Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: Bad Books I Can't Believe I Gave More Than 2 Stars To

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish,
And moved to That Artsy Reader Girl 
To take part, just pick your top ten, and add the link here.

So, this week's topic is supposed to be favorite bookmarks, and while I love and use bookmarks, I don't think I even have 5, let alone 10. So I'm gonna do my own thing.

Look, when I first started blogging, I would download/buy any book that was 1.99 or less. And a lot of those weren't very good, yet, I gave them a better rating than I would now if I re-read them. (I will not be rereading any of these) Some of these are also from the "read now" shelf from when I first joined NetGalley.

Five (Elemental Enmity #1) by Christie Rich - Really, the whole series is part of this. I honestly don't remember what I liked enough about it to give it three stars. Looking back it was pretty cliche and just, poorly written in general. I lol'd at my review when I said it was pretty well written. Oh, how naive I was about writing back in 2013.

Flight (The Crescent Chronicles #1) by Alyssa Rose Ivy - Another one where I gave it three stars, and I don't know why. This was about shape-shifting boys who all fall in love with the same plane-jane girl. (OHTHECLICHE) They weren't really even shapeshifters. They could just sprout wings. It was a hot mess.

A Demon Made Me Do It (Demonblood #1) by Penelope King - This one, I gave four stars when I initially read it. Now, I'd give it 2.5ish. I mean, it had potential... from what I remember. But it still wasn't great and had some what I would call odd writing.

Every Time He Leaves (The Raeven Sisters #1) by Anna Karington -  With this one, I at least had an -ish next to the three. I'm starting to remember less and less, even after re-reading my reviews.

Anything but Broken (Hurricane Creek #1) by Joelle Knox - I honestly have no memory of reading this book at all. To make this list I just went to my Goodreads and sorted my read shelf by least to most stars, and randomly picked books. 

Going Under (Going Under #1) by Georgia Cates -  Going to file this under books I don't remember reading but apparently did. I know a person can't always remember every book they read, but if they give it three stars it should at least be memorable enough if asked they can say "Yes, I've read that book." 

Shattered Blue (The Light #1) by Lauren Bird Horowitz - Based on my review, I honestly should have given it 2 stars. 

The Collector (Dante Walker #1) by Victoria Scott - Apparently I gave this one 2.5, but still, that seems generous.

Written on my Heart by Cole Gibsen - This is starting to turn into a "Why did I even read this?" list. 

Leopard Moon (Moon #1) by Jeanette Battista - I gave this 3.5?! What!? This one I at least some-what remember. And well... This book was ripe with (bad) tropes and cliches. And, from what I remember, a touch if implied incest... which yuck. It wasn't glorified or passed off as okay, but it also wasn't treated as disgusting and wrong as it should have been.


  1. I haven't read any of these, so I can't tell you how your rating stacks up. I think that our tastes mature as we grow, though. I would probably change some of my ratings now, too.

  2. There's a tendency to not be too harsh on beginning or writers you know, but a writer only improves with constructive criticism.

  3. I've never read any of this but after reading your post, I feel I'm not missing anything.

  4. It's very interesting to see how people's writing and reviewing styles change over time. :)

    My TTT.
