
Saturday, June 1, 2024

Bulk Review: Manga Pt3


Since I already failed my goal this year 2 months ago to read more books I own and fewer from the library, I have finished zero books I own this year. Although this time I've been almost exclusively reading manga from my library so it feels less like a failure in a way. That aside, I have more manga to do a bulk review for. Some of these were good, some were meh, and two were terrible. The reason for the terrible ones is mostly the same.

I picked this up after binge-watching season one of the anime, twice. I never binge watch things, I don't have the attention span to binge watch things most of the time. But this, is as close to perfection as something can get. The foreshadowing for events that are very important early on in the story is unmatched.
I'm getting ahead of myself, I am referring to the anime a little, but the manga (there's also a light novel, but I'm reading the manga) is very close to the anime, so far there haven't been any changes, the art style/character design is slightly different, but that's a nothing issue for me. MaoMao just might be my new favorite Main character, ever. I can't wait to read more, and I can't wait for season 2 of the anime.


Yakuza Lover by Nozomi Mino
Vol. 8 - 12 (Read May 1 - June 1)
I finished the series in this round. At first, I didn't know what to expect with this series, but it was surprisingly romantic. This is  the kind of Dark Romance that I prefer. Oya is a sweet cinnamon roll with Yuri, but will gut anyone who tries to hurt those he cares for. And Yuri is a badass in her own right. She's an athlete so she can protect herself if she needs to. 
I will say that the final volume was a bit of a let down. There was a couple of things that were never explained, that I think needed to be explained. It felt rushed, and that it needed maybe one more volume to tie up those loose ends.


This volume was really good. I should've taken better notes so I could write this mini-review. 
It felt like the climax for the college arc. It might be. A lot of things were resolved in this volume, and some more questions need to be answered. Chise is still being reckless, but this time it was likely what saved everybody's life. I don't know when, or if, my library is going to have the next volume(s) of the series. I hope it's soon.


Feieren: Beyond Journey's End by Kamejito Yamada
Vol. 1 (Read May 9th)
Another one I picked up after watching the anime. I don't know how many volumes the anime covers (typically it's around 8/9 volumes per season of anime). Either way, I'm curious about what, if any, changes were made. Sometimes they move things around for the anime for pacing reasons. This is such a wonderful story, and I can't want for more of either the anime and manga.


Shortcake Cake by Suu Morishita
Vol. 1-2 (read May 12 & 16)
This one was cute, but I kind of don't care. This one feels very generic Slice-of-life. I don't have a lot to say. And I think that was the issue, it's just very meh. The MC, Ten Serizawa, doesn't really have much of a personality. She's very forgettable. But so are the rest of the characters. I think this is a case of me being very far away from the age demographic.

Takane & Hana by Yuki Shiwasu
Vol. 1 (read May 12)
This one is the number one trash. There was nothing redeemable about this. Getting into why this one is bad. the FMC is convinced by her father to "cover" for an arranged marriage proposal, that was meant for her older sister, with his boss's son... who is 28. 
What makes this one in a way worse than the other one with a 10-year age gap is that this guy is kind of actively pursuing her. He's buying her expensive things and taking her on expensive dates. I only read one volume, and while it does seem to be written that he's doing this as some kind of rebellion, I can't get behind it because of how old he is. He is almost 30. If he was in his early 20s his behavior would make more sense, and the age gap wouldn't bother me as much. She is young at 16, but I feel like she was drawn to look closer to 12, and that gave me the ick. Especially when she kisses him... and he doesn't get grossed out or bothered by it beyond being embarrassed. I do not plan on reading anymore of this series. Reading the synopsis' of future volumes, I know they get married, and no.


Mao by Rumiko Takahashi 
Vol. 1 (read May 17)
I didn't realize until I finished this volume that this is the same author who wrote InuYasha, and after I realized that it all made sense. This is a classic Isekai. High school girl goes to past and meets some demons, she has mysterious powers. Shenanigans ensue. This does have a lot of similar story beats, but I'm not bothered by it. I'm curious where things will go from here. I have the second volume on  hold at the library. Mao is a cursed man, Nanoka is a high school girl who has a strange connection to a shopping street where, as a small child, her parents died in a freak car accident caused by a sink hole and she was the only survivor. After walking down that street, she's transported to the past where she meets Mao, who is hunting the cat demon who cursed him.
At first, I thought this was going to be weird. It is, but not in a bad way. I thought the MMC was going to be a creep. He was actually a Cinnamon Roll. I think they are cute together. It helps their dynamic that they are adults, with careers. This is one I plan on continuing. Hopefully it doesn't get repetitive. With how this volume went, there is a risk of things becoming repetitive.
They work at a soap company, She works in the finance department, and he works

Living-Room Matsunaga-san by Keiko Iwashita
Vol. 1-11 (read May 28th, the whole series in one day)
While this series has similar elements to Takana & Hana, 10 year age-gap romance with a high-schooler and a man who is nearly 30.... at least in this one they don't kiss on-page until after she's an adult. I honestly wouldn't have finished the whole thing in one day if all the volumes weren't available with zero wait, I read manga very fast. I didn't care enough to put any on hold and wait. I also didn't mark any past the first as read on StoryGraph, because I didn't think it was worth it.
I was kind of hoping that it would've been more of a coming of age story for the girl, and it being a one-sided infatuation that was never reciprocated. Alas, that was not the case. He, thankfully, kept his hands to himself until she graduated high school. But still... bro was 28 for most of the series and she was 17. There were a couple moments that made me laugh, but I was more invested in the side characters than I was the main characters. I also have no idea what she went to college for, what her hobbies are, what happened with her friends, or what she does for a living at the end of the story. None of that is ever revealed. I just know that I not once rooted for them to find a way to be together. About half way through the series a different guy at the boarding house who is still older than her, but younger than the main guy confesses his love for her, and I was rooting for him. He was sweet and sincere. I hate what was done with his character.


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