
Monday, October 31, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday: Unlikable Characters You Can’t Help but Love

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish
Now, hosted by Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl 
To take part, just pick your top ten, and add the link here.

Picking characters that I like on some level as well as hate was harder than I thought it would be.
This list is in no particular order, just as I remembered them.

   This is probably the most controversial on the list. If you've read this book, you know this character is one that is very easy to hate, he does a lot of atrocious things. However, I think something people forget about characters is, even if they are the protagonist, that doesn't mean they are a hero. 
   Jorg is not a hero, he is an angry vengeful child who grows into an angry vengeful adult. He takes what he wants, and does what he wants no matter what. But there is a lot about this character that I found very interesting.

   This character starts out as somebody everybody who has read this hates. But as you read, his reasons (all still bad ones and arguably unjustified) come to light and even though I still disagree with those decisions and actions, I can see where he thought it was the only course of action. Still hate him a little, and I have some pity for him. No sympathy just pity.
This is a character who had to really grow on me. I'm unsure how "old" he actually is and all, since Fae can live for centuries, and age slower than humans in this world. So I don't know if he's the same age as the Jude or if he's just that immature that he behaves like a petulant child as a character trait.
The Darkling - Grisha by Leigh Bardugo
While not exactly as vile as Jorg, this is another character where I just find them interesting. His actions did start based in protecting other Grisha, at first, but soon devolved into being in control. He got a bit power hungry and it all went downhill from there ultimately making things worse.
   Tau, let's face, it is kind of an idiot. I understand his need and goal for revenge. But he's moron when it comes to enacting it. A little too one-track mind that causes him to make mistakes.
   She is both likable and unlikable. I seem to have a bit of a soft spot for characters who have revenge plots. Rin is at least smart when it comes to trying to get revenge. She is also less willing to hurt bystanders to get that revenge. 
   She starts out as a character I thought was going to be one of if not the antagonist, but then I read the second book and all I wanted to do was give this little girl a hug. She's been through so much and really did the best she could given their situation.

   Vastly unlikable for being very insufferable 90% of the time. But this series is a lot of fun, and reading is entertainment for me, so I can look past most of the nonsense in this book and how this character is always able to wiggle their way out of situations in the most unreasonable ways. 

   A compelling character with a hidden backstory for much of the series. I'd need to re-read the earlier books since there are years gaps between reading them so I don't remember all the details. Just that the reader learns of his past alongside the MC, Paige.

   Hot take of the year. But I said it. Hermione isn't that likable. She is kind of rude and dismissive of people's opinions that differ from hers. She adds a good dynamic to the trio, but she is a little close-minded at times.


  1. The Darkling is a popular choice today. I guess I should read The Grisha at some or other time.

    Ha, Hermione... You are absolutely right. She actually isn't a likable character and I know if she was sitting in my class, I might have ignored her every now and then... LOL!!

    Elza Reads

  2. A great list. I would never have thought of Herminone, but now you mention her traits...

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  3. You’re the first person to pick Hermione that I’ve seen this week. Yeah, she had a few rough edges to her personality for sure.

    My post:

  4. Hermione is that girl in high school that's a know it all and takes a long time to like her.

  5. I never would have thought of Hermione but then I always really liked her as a character, though you're right, if I'd known her in real life then certain aspects of her personality probably would have annoyed me!
    My TTT:

  6. I think Hermione was like that because she had been bullied her whole life, and suddenly was thrust into a situation she wasn't familiar with. But it doesn't excuse her for being like she is, though I believe as she gets older you see she does change.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  7. Poppy Wars is on my TBR and has been there for awhile - I think I need to move it closer to the top!! :) Cool list.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  8. Someday I'll read The Poppy War. It's been on my TBR for years because I'm scared! I've heard it's an intense book.

  9. Hermione is definitely a know-it-all, which makes her unlikable to some people. I think she makes up for it, though, in her capability, caring for others, and calmness in difficult situations. She's also totally sympathetic. Personally, I love her!

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!
