
Monday, August 29, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday: School Freebie - Magical Schools I'd Like to Visit

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish,
Now, hosted by Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl 
To take part, just pick your top ten, and add the link here.
School doesn't start here for my son until the next week, but this is still fun. Magical school settings is one of my favorite tropes. These are some of my favorite books with a magical school, and some books with a magic school I'd like to read.

Read Books
A school that trains girls and women to be assassin nuns. Sign me up. This is also my favorite series by him.
This is a world and book that is just full of whimsy. Sure, I'd like to visit the school, but just seeing this world in general would be amazing.
The name of the series is also the name of the school. This is a school where people learn to ride dragons and harness elemental magic. The Dragons are also shape shifters. This is fun series. 

This is more like a summer program, but I would still love to visit. And people still learn how to harness magic and stuff. 

I've only finished the first book so far. But I think I'd still like to visit. It's also barely a magic school... the kids are magic(ish) the building it mostly normal. But it seems like an interesting place to visit.
But only after the second wizard war. Every year Harry was there someone either died, or nearly did. 

Unread Books

I have books 1-3 on my shelf, and based on the show I would like to visit this magical "school" for women.
Arcanum Training Institute - The Marvellers by Dhonielle Clayton
I've been really enjoying Middle Grade lately. The older I get the more I drift away from YA and read more Middle-Grade and Adult fantasy.
Technically, I've already read this. But I never really finished it or gave it a fair chance when I did attempt to read it at 25. I've been meaning and planning on re-reading it for a while. 

Brakebills University for Magical Pedagogy - The Magicians by Lev Grossman
I am only mildly interested in reading this series. I've heard too many mixed things about to make a solid decision.


  1. I had Amari and Nevermoor on my list today and I would definitely love to visit those schools! I have read The Magicians but I was more a fan of the adaptation (show) than the books 🙈 I also can't wait to read The Marvellers! Great list :)

  2. The Bureau of Supernatural Affairs sounds like a great place to spend a summer. If you can't go to Camp Half-Blood that is.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  3. I agree. Visiting Hogwarts now would (hopefully) be a much safer experience than it was in the 1990s!

    My post:

  4. I hope you enjoy the Percy Jackson books whenever you get to them.
    My TTT:

  5. Magic schools are fun! I think I've only read Harry Potter and The Magicians. I should probably read more.

  6. A great list. I was going to put Harry Potter on my list as I love Hogwarts but I have put it on a lot of lists recently so decided to leave it out.

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  7. Camp Half Blood would be so cool to visit.

  8. I love your choice for this week's freebie. I'd love to attend a magical school as well, even a dangerous one if I were the heroine of the story, lol.

    My TTT

  9. Hogwarts would definitely be a fun place to visit!
    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!
