
Monday, July 25, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday: Books From My Past Seasonal TBR Posts I STILL Haven’t Read

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish,
Now, hosted by Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl 
To take part, just pick your top ten, and add the link here.

   Way to call me out. I thought about putting this list in order of 'longest on my TBR', but some of them have been on the same list with each other for so long I can't pinpoint which one was there first. And backtracking to find out was just showing me how bad I truly am about reading the books I have on my shelf. So I just put them in a random order. Many of these have been on some TBR for a couple of years. These are all books I own, either in Ebook form or physically on my shelves.
   I need somebody to stop me from using my library so I am forced to read the books I own. I think a ridiculous part of my brain is thinking "Oh no.. what if I run out of books to read?!" Like that will ever happen.


Seven Endless Forests by April Genevieve Tucholke


  1. Some great looking books here and I hope you have the chance to love them!
    These are the books I still haven't read from previous tbr posts!

  2. I hope you love them all whenever you might read them!

    My post:

  3. I remember being so ridiculously excited for AHSFAB and I *still* haven't read it yet either! 😂 Welp. Same goes for Sword of Kaigen! I hope you enjoy these books whenever you get the chance to read them!

  4. I like the cover of The Mask Falling.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  5. These look interesting. I keep getting distracted by Blog Tours and I get worried that if I don't borrow from the library then it will close down 😂 some of the books on my shelves are therefore years old.

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  6. I still need to read Rule of Wolves too. And I got most of the way through The Mask Falling but never finished it, so I really do need to do that at some point!
    My TTT:

  7. Boy can I relate! I need my library to close for a couple months so I'm forced to read what's on my shelves!!! The only time I read what's on my Kindle is to read ARCs or when I'm on vacation - maybe that means I need more vacations! :) These covers look like delightful fantasy books. I enjoy fantasy but the problem I have is that they're all usually parts of big long series ..... and, well, long series. Sigh. :)
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  8. It's hard to keep up with new releases and library holds coming in. I hope you get to these soon.

  9. None of those are on my TBR. But dang it all if I don't have to go look them up now, because I might run out of books to read. My husband tried to tell me that I didn't need any more library books. I was all, have we just met?! (He's also an avid reader. He just does a better job at not overcommitting to ALL the books.)

    Stop by and see my top ten list!

  10. I understand your feeling about the library! For me my issue is NetGalley and finding so many upcoming releases that I want to read! I've started using my library for new releases I really want to read but didn't get approved for through NetGalley.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!
